domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


Reconocer, sentir a veces tanto miedo y entender: Que justamente ese es el gesto más valiente. Y aceptar, que no todo es tan fácil y que no siempre los huesos aguantan el peso: Recostrucción.
Es el mejor momento asumir que toda sabiduría y experiencia nos resisten a veces (la fuerza de algunas corrientes). Es el mejor momento comprender, no poder ganar todas las veces y entender que esa es la llave hacia un camino más amable.

And if I where you, I would just jump around, and fly over different circles each time you want to stop considering something. If there's someone out there with the sufficient cappacity of listening and understanding you: he/she will appear. That's why I can only push you into the paths of fear, self-acceptance and justice. If you deserve it: You will get it. Wait for it, keep wishing and keep looking. Don't expect it to come and rebuild your life, you might even have to fight for it.
If I have learned something in this long 17 years, is that life is the only winner. Only he or she will decide to break your heart or to make you fly 7 meters over the floor. Just keep trying, keep living it. No matter how many tears or smiles each of us have in our account.
They offen confuse being an adult to stop dreaming. Growing up isn't about stopping playing, it just means... keep trying to find the propper character in which you can live in.

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